D.O. Beatrix Baumgartner

FDM IC since 2013, osteopath, physiotherapist sports and graduate, advanced fascial fitness trainer, co-founder of fascia Center Vienna and Sport Support 


2001 I was lucky beeing presente to  Stephen Typaldos once by a college. In 2006 I started trainings in FDM during the course of my osteopathy studies at Viennese School for Ostepathy.

Followed by further courses and FDM modules by Dr. Harrer und Marjorie Kasten, as well numerouse hospitations. D.O. Baumgartner started assisting FDM trainings in 2012. She ist working as an independent FDM practitioner in Vienna und Lower Austria.


"I am very grateful having got in touch with FDM, it is a unique technique I was able to achieve incredible patient outcomes yet!"